Mandatory performance dates will be communicated from Mrs. Weller at the beginning of the year in the Orchestra Handbook, posted on Schoology, and messages sent out through Remind. “I didn’t know we had a performance” is not a valid excuse for an absence!
Additionally, students and families are expected to communicate any known conflicts in advance to Mrs. Weller. Conflicts that are communicated in less than two weeks before the event will not be excused. See the Class Syllabus for more details.
Students should always keep communications professional and focused on orchestra matters. (Use the language and content that you would use when speaking with your boss at a job!)
All students and parents will receive an Oxford Orchestras monthly newsletter during the first week of the month. Newsletters will contain important information regarding upcoming performances, upcoming deadlines/assignments, student achievements/updates, volunteer opportunities, and reminders regarding upcoming events. All newsletters will be sent out via email, as well as posted on the Orchestra Schoology page.
Cut Time
Cut Time is a tool used as a “hub” for the Oxford Orchestras. Students will use Cut Time to keep track of their upcoming events, submit assignments, view checked out materials (such as instruments, music, and/or uniforms), and more. Parents can use Cut Time to view student assignments, view our calendar of events, submit forms, and submit payments (coming soon). All students and parents will set up a Cut Time account at the beginning of the year.
Information that needs to be communicated urgently to students will be sent out via Remind. Additionally, frequent reminders regarding upcoming performances, assignments, and events may also be sent out through this platform.
Students need to text 81010 or download the “Remind” app from the App Store or Google Play Store with the corresponding code for their ensemble as follows: Chamber Orchestra- @oxfordcs
Concert Orchestra- @oxfordconc
Symphony Orchestra- @oxfordsym
Students and parents should be regularly checking Schoology for updates and upcoming assignments and events for the Oxford Orchestras. Schoology will always contain an updated copy of the Oxford Orchestra Handbook, the Oxford Orchestra event calendar, and upcoming assignments.
Students and parents should check information on Schoology before forwarding questions to Mrs. Weller.
More than likely, your question will be answered from information that is located on Schoology!
Parent Communication
The best way for parents to communicate with Mrs. Weller is through email. Please allow 1-2 school days for a response (i.e. emails sent on Monday will be answered by Wednesday, emails sent on Friday will be answered by the following Tuesday).
Parents can also sign up for their musician’s ensemble Remind class for updates on performances and upcoming deadlines. Families can text 81010 or download the “Remind” app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
Additionally, students and families are expected to communicate any known conflicts in advance to Mrs. Weller. Conflicts that are communicated in less than two weeks before the event will not be excused. See the Class Syllabus for more details.
Students should always keep communications professional and focused on orchestra matters. (Use the language and content that you would use when speaking with your boss at a job!)
All students and parents will receive an Oxford Orchestras monthly newsletter during the first week of the month. Newsletters will contain important information regarding upcoming performances, upcoming deadlines/assignments, student achievements/updates, volunteer opportunities, and reminders regarding upcoming events. All newsletters will be sent out via email, as well as posted on the Orchestra Schoology page.
Cut Time
Cut Time is a tool used as a “hub” for the Oxford Orchestras. Students will use Cut Time to keep track of their upcoming events, submit assignments, view checked out materials (such as instruments, music, and/or uniforms), and more. Parents can use Cut Time to view student assignments, view our calendar of events, submit forms, and submit payments (coming soon). All students and parents will set up a Cut Time account at the beginning of the year.
Information that needs to be communicated urgently to students will be sent out via Remind. Additionally, frequent reminders regarding upcoming performances, assignments, and events may also be sent out through this platform.
Students need to text 81010 or download the “Remind” app from the App Store or Google Play Store with the corresponding code for their ensemble as follows: Chamber Orchestra- @oxfordcs
Concert Orchestra- @oxfordconc
Symphony Orchestra- @oxfordsym
Students and parents should be regularly checking Schoology for updates and upcoming assignments and events for the Oxford Orchestras. Schoology will always contain an updated copy of the Oxford Orchestra Handbook, the Oxford Orchestra event calendar, and upcoming assignments.
Students and parents should check information on Schoology before forwarding questions to Mrs. Weller.
More than likely, your question will be answered from information that is located on Schoology!
Parent Communication
The best way for parents to communicate with Mrs. Weller is through email. Please allow 1-2 school days for a response (i.e. emails sent on Monday will be answered by Wednesday, emails sent on Friday will be answered by the following Tuesday).
Parents can also sign up for their musician’s ensemble Remind class for updates on performances and upcoming deadlines. Families can text 81010 or download the “Remind” app from the App Store or Google Play Store.