Oxford High School Orchestras
Concert Orchestra
The Concert Orchestra is designed for students who are looking to increase skills and awareness of foundational string pedagogy. The Concert Orchestra is comprised primarily of freshmen, but is open to students of all grade levels. This class develops skills regarding individual practice and accountability, scales (major and minor), vibrato, sight-reading skills, extension of individual technique, ear training, and theory. Success will be measured by the individual’s improvement of these skills, as well as overall participation, attitude, and commitment. The Concert Orchestra participates in the Michigan State Band and Orchestra Festival (MSBOA), as well as evening performances throughout the school year. Advanced notice will be given for all orchestra events, and students will be required to attend all after school dress rehearsals and performances.
Symphony Orchestra
The Symphony Orchestra is an advanced ensemble comprised of upperclassmen, but is open to students of all grade levels. Students will focus on refining and mastering foundational string skills Success will be measured by the individual’s improvement of these skills, as well as overall participation, attitude, and commitment. The Symphony Orchestra participates in the Michigan State Band and Orchestra Festival (MSBOA), as well as evening performances throughout the school year. Students will be required to attend all after-school dress rehearsals and performances. Dates will be communicated well in advance.
Chamber Orchestra
The Chamber Orchestra is an advanced ensemble which plays college-level chamber literature. Students will be challenged daily with technical proficiency, musical interpretation, and professional musician etiquette. This ensemble serves as musical representatives at performances throughout the Oxford community. The Chamber Orchestra participates in the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association (MSBOA) Orchestra Festival and all students are encouraged to participate in the MSBOA Solo and Ensemble Festival. This class meets before school 4 days per week during 0 hour. Attendance at all performances is required.